Rail transport

Railway transportation service

Transporting North-South goods by rail is one of the transport fields that always has great demand, currently being given high priority because of its safety, stability and relative punctuality.

To ensure fast, convenient and secure transportation, the smartest choice is to find a reputable and professional freight service unit.

Macsco Logistics is proud to be one of the freight transportation companies with many years of experience in the profession. We are pleased to bring to our customers individual customers, units, businesses, corporations... freight transportation services. with professionalism and the best commitments.

Benefits of transporting goods by rail:

    • Shipping cost will be cheaper than other methods
    • Transport goods safely, without causing loss or damage.
    • Fast and convenient shipping
    • Can transport items of large size and volume, in large quantities such as cars, motorcycles, machinery, etc.

Macsco Logistics, with many years of experience in the field of domestic and international freight transportation. We have built a strong brand for ourselves based on the trust that customers give and the satisfaction that customers receive. We, with our staff and professional logistics system, always promise to bring you the convenience of transporting goods as quickly and efficiently as possible. Not only is it fast, but it is always guaranteed to be safe and without any loss.

If you have questions that need answering or need to transport import and export goods, please contact Macsco Logistics immediately with a team of many years of experience for the fastest and most accurate support.

For further information and questions, please contact:


Address: 64 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phone: (84 28) 6270 6576

Email: anna@macsclogistics.com

Website: https://macscologistics.com